Gender | Male |
Status | Deceased |
Occupation | Prince of Darkness |
Aliases | the Devil |
Son | Damien Thorn |
Voiced by | Trey Parker |
First Appearance | "Damien" |
Last Appearance | "Nobody Got Cereal?" (death) |
Known to many as the Prince of Darkness, long fallen from Heaven, the mighty Satan ruled over Hell for thousands of years, making personal appearances to greet new arrivals to his domain and torturing each and every subject doomed to suffer his wrath for all eternity. He even made the occasional attempt to fulfill ancient prophecy by taking over Heaven or even Earth. Satan also took great pride in his subtle, "nuanced" efforts to swindle people of their money or make them otherwise give into the temptation of evil.
Don't let that bad reputation and rugged physique fool you though - while he acts tough and intimidating while at work and in front of his many subjects, Satan is really a big-hearted softie. (In God's words, a "pussy".) Whenever he was summoned to the surface, he proved to be mild-mannered, not only willing but adept at helping those who sought his counsel on matters ranging from demonic superstition to addiction problems. Deep down, he's sensitive and lonely and has a soft spot for big musical numbers. He also has a a strong desire for romance and companionship, and is heavily attracted to those who seem even more evil than he is,
Satan has been through a number of long-term relationships over the last thousand years. He most famously was in a relationship with former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein after he was secretly taken out by a pack of American-trained wild boars, but the relationship became highly abusive and Satan needed support and assistance from those around him, such as Kenny McCormick and God, to get past the relationship. His subsequent relationship with a similarly compassionate, sensitive man named Chris was strained by a lack of intimacy, and after a chat with God, Satan has since focused on figuring himself out before entering another relationship, and despite a fling with a demon named Kevin, he's been mostly on his own ever since.
Though he has a clear preference for men, when it comes to fulfilling ancient prophecies relating to the birth of an anti-Christ, he has typically chosen animals as hosts, such as a a porcupine and in another instance, a jackal. As a result of the latter relationship, he has an estranged son named Damien Thorn, whom he rarely sees.
Satan was at first an unwelcome sight in the town of South Park, notably swindling its citizens in his legendary pay-per-view boxing match with Jesus, but things have cooled off since this first meeting. After saving the world from Saddam (with some help from Kenny) he has been allowed free reign between Earth and Hell as he pleases, throwing massive parties around Halloween in particular, though he continued to make most of his appearances only when summoned. In recent years, he has also been more lenient in granting clemency to his own subjects as well, treating them more like a surrogate family.
When one of his demons, a Sifter of Fate known as Manbearpig began killing and consuming citizens mercilessly in the town of South Park, Al Gore and the boys summoned Satan to seek answers about the creature's demonic nature. Though they found little information to immediately help them, they were able to convince Satan to help them defeat the creature... only for Manbearpig to emerge triumphant, plunging one of Satan's horns into his stomach and delivering a crushing blow to his head, ending his reign of darkness for good.
Though the boys expressed disbelief that Satan could actually die, he used his final words to insist that "everyone" dies, echoing Al Gores advice that the boys "keep believing", and was seen fading up to Heaven as an angel, prompting Kyle Broflovski to remark that the sight was "pretty fucked up".
DNA Overview
Despite being the Prince of Darkness and the supreme ruler of Hell, you are genuinely a nice person who is willing to help others in times of need. You also throw the most bitchin’ Halloween parties in the underworld. People with Satan DNA are sensitive but prone to bad relationships.
Personality and Traits
Since he being cast out of Heaven and forced to rule over his personal domain, Satan has been defined by a pervasive loneliness, still seeming to feel forgotten and ignored by those around him despite his position of utmost power within the universe. This was reflected in not only his desire for companionship but also his frequent efforts to expand his domain or break free from Hell entirely. This is best exemplified in the South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut song "Up There", where he fantasizes about life on the surface alongside many others.
When his abusive relationship with Saddam ended, Satan seemed sadly resigned to the idea of ruling over Hell alone, and was briefly comforted by Mr. Hat.
Though may Satan may prefer to make a big dramatic entrance with fire and brimstone, when the smoke settles, he's pretty happy to help those who need it. Whether it's consoling upset subjects, or answering the calls of mortals who need his divine assistance, Satan has proven to be surprisingly considerate to those who seek him out, whether it's sorting out the genetic background of addiction, or just locating information at their local library.
Notable Skills
Intimidation and Fear
Though he is soft-hearted deep down, there is no denying that Satan is capable of treat intimidation and still seems to enjoy striking fear into others. When first appearing to mortals both in Hell and when summoned to Earth, he was often accompanied by supernatural effects, such as light or flame, and often began speaking with a booming and intimidating voice. He was also capable of a thundering roar he also used to intimidate and scare others.
Though this was not true to Satan's personality, he still seemed to prefer to cultivate this image and was nonetheless shown to express embarrassment when he proved unable to keep his intimidating composure around mortals, particularly new arrivals in Hell, which was usually a sign of something amiss in his personal life. It can be noted, however, that when assisting mortals on the surface he still often used his softer, 'normal' speaking voice and mellowed out after an initial spooky summoning.
Both his first and final appearances made key point of Satan's intimidating, muscular appearance and raw strength, using his towering appearance to intimidate rivals before initiating an actual fight in both instances, exhibiting the ability to throw punches that certainly seemed to exceed the average shown by humans seen in the show. When against Jesus he may have been pulling punches due to his desire to throw the fight anyway, but he also has proven capable of lifting an entire human being into the air above his head.
During his final confrontation with Manbearpig, both demonic creatures have brute strength and immense mass, making it diffuclt to measure Satan's exact ability from this instance; however, the mass of his large body is also shown damaging buildings and the street pavement during the fight.
Dark Magic
Though never confirmed directly, it appears that Satan is limited to only physical abilities on the surface, such as his raw strength, but has access to dark magic while in his own supernatural realm; this seems illustrated in "Freemium Isn't Free", when he asks for Stan Marsh's consent to possess him briefly to confront his rival Beelzeboot the Canadian Devil, and is then able to use great and powerful dark magic. These abilities are never used on the surface against Jesus or in his final confrontation with Manbearpig, but do appear in Hell, particularly against Kevin in "Best Friends Forever".
The exact nature of these deadly powers is never discussed or otherwise referenced, and with Satan's death, their exact meaning will likely never become clear.
Satan refers to himself as the 'Prince of Temptation', and admits that creating temptation is 'kind of [his] deal]', and that temptation exists to ensure humanity has free will, though he notes that addiction is supposed to be connected to "fun", pointing out the connection to dopamine, the release of which is responsible for pleasure and is used in nature to motivate animals to eat and reproduce. He takes great pride in the "nuance" involved in crafting temptation, however, becoming frustrated with Beelzeboot the Canadian Devil's "blatant Skinner box manipulation".
Memorable Quotes
- "I have such delightful horrors to unleash upon thee." (Damien)
- "And now I will take all your hard-earned money, and return to Hell a much richer Prince of Darkness, and buy some realty." (Damien)
- "Fallen one, I am Satan. I am your god now!" (South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut)
- "What's it like up on earth, Saddam? Tell me about it again." (South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut)
- "You have spilled the blood of the innocent! Now begins two million years of darkness!" (South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut)
- "I have had ENOUGH of you!" (South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut))
- "Well, I tell you what: Maybe we'll have ourselves a little Christmas, right here! Come on, everyone, gather 'round!" (Mr. Hankey's Christmas Classics)
- "Just… give me some boundaries, be jealous, go throw a football around, for Christ's sake." (Probably)
- "You know, I've had steady relationships for the last… thousand years, and when one ends I just start another one, but… I haven't taken the time to be secure with myself." (Probably)
- "Hey- Thanks, God. I forgot how clear you make things sometimes." (Probably)
- "My fellow damned souls! Now is the time for our assault! You know no fear! You will drink the blood of angels! We go now! Nothing can stop us!" (Best Friends Forever)
- "Halloween is about me! And I deserve a par-ty! This... shall be MY Super Sweet 16!!" (Hell on Earth 2006)
- "Did Diddy do it?" (Hell on Earth 2006)
- "At midnight, all the lights go down. The music stops. And then we wheel in... a Ferrari. Only it isn't a Ferrari... It's a cake. And everyone gets a piece." (Hell on Earth 2006)
- "I'm gonna need to borrow your soul real quick, kid. Is that alright?" (Freemium Isn't Free)
- "I shall return. Do not attempt to stop me." (Freemium Isn't Free)
Life Lessons
- "Without evil there could be no good, so it must be good to be evil sometimes." (South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut)
- "He spent so much time convincing me I was weak and stupid that I… believed it myself." (South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut
- "Halloween is supposed to be for everyone. Everybody, I'm sorry. This party is for you. It's for all of you who make my life so special. If I don't realize that, then I'm no better than a rich American teenage girl." (Hell on Earth 2006)
- "There is only one place you can find the answers you seek! It is the place where all knowledge becomes known. Your local library." (Time To Get Cereal)
Design and Outfits
Satan made his first appearance in "Damien", which was one of the last episodes where Trey Parker and Matt Stone designed characters personally, and has been defined ever since by his towering, muscular body, with his abs often noted by fans to resemble a penis, and his large, shapely arms. He has straight orange horns, yellow eyes, a black goatee, and wears a skull on a dark blue belt with a hairy black outfit, followed by red legs and black hooves.
The character was one of the first in the show to receive a complete re-design, first debuting in "Best Friends Forever" after a brief absence from the show. This design is best given away by its more detailed, curved horns, and a revised, wider, "buffer" profile defined by higher shoulders, a more cohesive arm shape, with softer curves, and a revised ab shape. It also, however, shaved back his facial hair, eyebrows and much of his ears, and added some fuzz on his stomach near the top of his dark blue belt.
A new design for the character was designed for "Freemium Isn't Free" and was used for all of his future appearances. This version incorporated elements of both previous versions, returning to the basic profile of the earlier design, bringing the shoulders back down, and refining the muscle detail to be somewhat closer to his earlier appearance, while replacing the deep black lines throughout his body with dark tone lines. Facially, his eyebrows and mustache were thickened, his ears reinforced, with details on his horns being much lighter and red pupils being added to his eyes. The blue belt is minimized and the skull became less stylized. The stomach fuzz was entirely discarded, and black claws were added to his fingers, usually only visible from some angles.
Satan had a surprisingly solid costume wardrobe for someone with such unique dimensions, including a special outfit for celebrating Christmas and another for Luaus. A big fan of Halloween, he also had special costumes for celebrating his favorite holiday.
As a supernatural being, he also exhibited a few extra forms, possessing the body of Stan Marsh in order to combat demonic forces, and being transformed into an angel upon his sacrifice to save the town of South Park.
Not much is known about Satan's family background, but his first arrival in town was foretold by a messenger, his son Damien Thorn, who struggled to fit in alongside the other children in the surface world, but exhibited a proclivity for magical powers and a sadistic love of torture. The two did not interact much directly onscreen, however, and though Satan has made several appearances since then, his son has never been mentioned by him or appeared alongside him, not even at his death. He only references his son in dialogue recorded for the South Park Rally' video game, where they are both playable characters.
Despite this, Damien mentions his father in dialogue several times, often with pride, and indicates he has to follow his father out of town, suggesting they have some kind of ongoing relationship, but as Damien has never appeared alongside Satan since, they appear to be somewhat estranged.
In a fictionalized portrayal by Eric Cartman, a porcupine seems to be impregnated with a child by Satan, and is seen to happily await the upcoming birth of the Anti-Christ. The demonic child is suggested to die without a human host, but briefly finds one within Kyle Broflovski. This creature does not seem to exist, but if it did, it would therefore be Satan's child and Damien's sibling.
Satan's romantic history is filled with over a thousand years of steady relationships but, as discussed above, proved very unfulfilling. Satan found himself very taken with an attractive dictator named Saddam Hussein for months, but he was extremely abusive; his subsequent relationship with a man named Chris lacked the spark of attraction. He was eventually advised by God to take a break from relationships.
He also had a relationship with Kevin, a member of his close counsel in Hell, but chose to break it off when their plan to take over Heaven failed; Kevin continues to serve on his advisory council though, so they appear to be on good terms.
He was believed to be single at the time of his death.
Close Friends
Satan had a close counsel of advisors in Hell, which seemed to be lead by Demonius as his right-hand man, but also included Zazul and Kevin; while these relationships were never explored in detail, Satan appeared to be on friendly terms with them and was willing to listen to and sometimes consider their criticism. He also proved to have a surprisingly close relationship with the main boys, particularly Kenny and after he sought assistance with his addiction issues, Stan. He also became friendly with Cartman and Kyle, who mourned his death.
Religious Followers
Satan has many followers around the world who claim loyalty to him and his demonic ways without ever coming face to face with the man himself; some of the better known of these include the Woodland Critters, a group of adorable demons who worship Satan with the passion of their sex-fueled "blood orgies", and Henrietta Biggle, who calls upon the Prince of Darkness' support when fighting those douchey, wannabe Vampire Kids.
Satan had few genuine rivalries, and seemed to be on civil to friendly terms with most of his adversaries listed here, but they nonetheless proved to oppose one another. His relationship with God is generally friendly but they nonetheless exist in constant opposition, and he seems to hold no personal ill will towards Jesus though ancient prophecy places them in opposition. He appears to be on speaking terms with Beelzeboot but disagrees with his beliefs.
When summoned by Al Gore, they initially seemed friendly, but Satan was clearly bored with Gore's insistence on making them watch a movie about himself, and Gore himself referred to Satan as "a dick" while discussing the nature of Manbearpig, who he identified as a minion of Satan... but when the two came to blows, it was Satan who fell before Manbearpig's mighty claw.
Since falling from Heaven, Satan became the undisputed ruler of Hell, and took delight in inflicting pain upon those who had fallen to his temptation to commit sin... but he did allow for low-income apartments, luaus, and holiday parties of many sorts, and clearly felt plenty of affection for his billions of deceased subjects, even seeking their advice at times. Exactly who has taken to ruling Hell in his absence is unknown.
Appearances and Sightings
Featured Episodes
- Damien (s01e08)
- Mecha-Streisand (s01e12; photograph)
- The Mexican Staring Frog of Sri Lanka (s02e06; cameo)
- South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut
- Mr. Hankey's Christmas Classics (s03e15)
- Do the Handicapped Go to Hell? (s04e10)
- Probably (s04e11)
- Woodland Critter Christmas (s08e14; heavily referenced)
- Best Friends Forever (s09e04)
- Hell on Earth 2006 (s10e11)
- Freemium Isn't Free (s18e06)
- Time to Get Cereal (s22e06)
- Nobody Got Cereal? (s22e07; death)
Video Games
South Park: Tenorman's Revenge
Satan briefly appears after the boys defeat the Anti-Christ in Hell, but refuses to come down and scare them, instead banishing them back to Earth so they can resume their pursuit of Scott Tenorman, admitting it's "been a while" since he's done this.
South Park: The Fractured but Whole
When Henrietta Biggle's ultimate ability is performed successfully, Satan himself appears in the background as she seems to summon his powers of darkness.
South Park: Phone Destroyer
Behind the Scenes
Satan's distinctive voice is provided by series co-creator Trey Parker; when Satan is trying to appear intimidating and using his deepest, more booming voice, however, it is adjusted by pitch or by effect. His normal speaking and singing voice, however, isn't really altered from Trey.
Despite his proportionate fewer appearances after the fourth season of the show, Satan has remained a longtime fan favorite.
Fremium Isn't Free
A few hours before the episode aired, the official South Park Twitter account announced to fans a character who had not been seen on the show in eight years would be making a return appearance that night... thus foretelling Satan's return!
Storyboard: Possessed Stan
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Check out the art made for this super-charged shot of Stan.
Character Art: Stan and Satan
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This shows the production process, from storyboard to character art, for Satan's special poses.
Character Art: Satan
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This was Satan's first episode appearance in 8 years. Check out his updated character art.
Bonus Factoids
- Satan appears to be around twice the height of a typical South Park adult character, which would suggest a height of roughly ten to twelve feet; however, his exact scale sometimes varies based on comedic and story needs.
- No matter how mighty he is, Satan's always needed reading glasses, from way back in season 4's "Probably" to his penulatime appearance in season 22's "Time To Get Cereal".